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    Газета School English #10, 2009

    “Romeo” Song by Lucky Dube

    Lucky Dube
    Full lyrics for teachers


    I’ ve been looking everywhere for you
    Since the day we met
    I’ ve never been my old self oh hoo
    You don’ t have to believe in everything
    I say right now
    Cause to you I’ m just another man
    Until I prove myself to be
    Worthy of your love you see
    I’ m not the kind of guy
    That will bring you
    Flowers everyday
    I’ m not the kind of guy
    That will tell you
    I love you in many fancy ways
    Oh girl !!!
    I’ ve got to tell you this
    I love you !
    I want you
    I love you !
    I want you
    Oh hoo hoo

    I’ m your Romeo
    Could you be my Juliet
    I know what women want
    I’ ve been around long enough
    To understand it
    But I want you to tell me
    How to love you
    ‘Cause I want to love you
    The way you wanna be loved
    It is better to have loved & lost
    Than never to have loved at all
    I’ m not the kind of guy
    That will bring you
    Flowers everyday
    I’ m not the kind of guy
    That will tell you
    I love you in many fancy ways
    But my girl
    I’ ve got to tell you this
    I love you !
    I want you
    I love you !
    I want you
    I think I’ ll prove myself
    To be worthy of your love

    “Romeo” Song by Lucky Dube

    I’ve been looking/cooking____________________
    Since the day we met/left
    I’ve never been my old self again oh hoo
    You don’ t have to __________
    I say right now
    Cause to you I’ m just another man
    Until I prove myself to be
    Worthy of _________ you see
    I’ m not the kind/type of guy/kite
    That will _______Flowers everyday/ every May
    I’ m not the kind of guy
    That will ________
    I love you in many fancy ways/days
    Oh girl !!!
    I’ve got to tell you this
    I love you!
    I want you
    I love you!
    I want you
    Oh hoo hoo
    I’ m your Romeo
    Could you be my _______
    I know what _________
    I’ve been around long enough
    To _________ it
    But I want you to tell me
    How to love you
    ‘Cause I want to love you
    The way you wanna be loved
    It is better to have loved & lost/cost
    Than never to have loved at all
    I’ m not the kind/type of guy/kite
    That will bring you ______________

    I’ m not the kind/type of guy/kite
    That will tell you
    I love you in many fancy ways/place
    But my girl
    I’ve got to tell you this
    I love you !
    I want you
    I love you!
    I want you
    I think I’ll prove myself
    To be worthy of your love


    1. Listen to the song and fill in the missing words.
    2. Choose the correct words from the words in bold.

    Vocabulary: phrases/sentences

    Explain the following phrases from the song and try
    making other sentences with them.
    · “Since the day we met, I’venever been my old self again”.
    · “fancy ways”
    · “better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”
    · “I’ll prove myself to be worthy of your love.”

    Discussion focus

    1. What kind of situations can make you never be your old self again?
    2. What are some fancy ways of saying “I love you” in your culture?
    3. Do you agree with the saying, “it is better to have loved and lost, than never to have lost at all”?
    Why or why not?
    4. do you think guys who don’t give flowers to girls are not romantic?


    Spot the perfect tenses in the song and classify them under the
    a) Present perfect.
    b) Present perfect continuous.

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    School English #6, 2011




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