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  • Impressions of the Netherlands (2)
  • Impressions of the Netherlands
  • My Visit to Netherlands
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    world / Europe
    Impressions of the Netherlands (2)
    Impressions of the Netherlands (2) The origin of the name “Carnival” is unclear, but there are several theories. One suggestion is that the name comes from the Italian carne, or carnovale. Others claim that it comes from the Latin words caro (meat) and vale (farewell), hence “farewell to meat”. Yet another theory states that it originates from the Latin carrus navalis, which was some kind of Greek cart carrying a statue of the god Apollo in a religious procession at the annual festivities in his honour.

    Impressions of the Netherlands
    Impressions of the Netherlands Two of my oldest and best friends, George and Truus, live in Geleen, which is a small town in the province of Limburg in the southern part of the Netherlands. The word ‘Netherlands’ means ‘low lands’ and, together with Belgium and Luxembourg, this part of Europe is sometimes referred to as ‘the Low Countries’ as they are literally low lying, ie most parts are not far above sea level.

    My Visit to Netherlands
    My Visit to Netherlands Tell us, please, about the purpose of your visit the Netherlands?
    The purpose of my visit the Netherlands was a business trip. I went to Berlin first with a group of students for the practice. It was called the “Studienbesuch” in German. In English it means a kind of a studying trip, so to say. We visited on the invitation of the Construction Company in Berlin.




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    School English #6, 2011




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