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  • Перевод с английского языка на основе функционального подхода к грамматике (2)
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    activities /

    Газета School English #5, 2003

    Стандартизированный тест

    рубрику ведет Елена Клековкина

        Дорогие друзья!

        Сегодня мы публикуемем задания демонстрационной версии контрольно-измерительных материалов ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2003г, помещенной на информационном сайте МО РФ. Задания подготовлены авторским коллективом «Петербургский тест». В основе предлагаемых материалов лежит стандартизированный тест, который разрабатывался в течение пяти лет в рамках российско-британского проекта SPEX.

        Задание №1 – высказывание по предложенной теме (предлагается раскрыть несколько пунктов).
        Задание №2 – диалог по ситуации (необходимо расспросить собеседника по предложенной теме, внимательно его выслушать и принять решение, исходя из полученной информации).
        Задание №3 – оценка ситуации (необходимо обсудить с собеседником четыре предложенных варианта и прийти к общему решению).

        В роли собеседника выступит экзаменатор, проводящий экзамен. В демоверсии опубликованы не только экзаменационные задания, но и карточки экзаменаторов, которые помогут вам понять, как будет вести разговор ваш собеседник; а также, какие умения требуются для выполнения задания и оцениваются на экзамене.

        В №14 нашей газеты за 2002г. мы уже давали подробные советы по поводу того, как лучше всего подготавливаться к ответам по заданиям на экзамене и вести беседу. Попробуйте выполнить устные задания еще раз. Обратите внимание на время выполнения каждого задания!

        Желаем успехов!

    (3 – 3.5 min)
    Give a 2 minute talk about friends.
    Remember to:
  • describe your friend
  • say what you like in her/him
  • explain why you think it is important to have friends

  • You have to talk for 2 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then s/he will ask you some questions.

    Task 1 (3-3.5 minutes)
    Let the student speak for 1-1.5 minutes. Then ask her\him about some of the following things s\he hasn’t mentioned in her\his talk:

    1. What does your friend look like?
    2. What do you like doing together?
    3. Is it easy for you to make friends? Why/ Why not?
    4. Can you say that your best friend is a true friend? Can you prove it?
    5. Do your parents like your friends? Why do you think so?

    The student is expected to demonstrate her\his ability to:
  • speak at length elaborating on the topic;
  • organise her\his speech using cohesive devices;
  • show her\his control of grammatical structures and a good
  • range of vocabulary appropriate to the context and function.

    (1 –1.5 min)
    You need to get to a sports center as quickly as possible.
    Ask a passer-by questions about:

            • transport • time to get there • here the stop is

    You begin the conversation. Your examiner will play the role of a passer-by, ask her/him all the questions.
    Remember to:

  • be active and polite
  • ask all the questions
  • choose the quickest kind of transport
  • talk for 1 – 1.5 minutes

    Task 2 (1 – 1.5 minutes)
    You are a passer-by. The student will begin the conversation. Give her/him directions for getting to a sports centre.


    – Excuse me. Could you, please, tell me how to get to the sports centre.
    – Oh, great!
    - How long will it take me to get there?


    – ( Which is the quickest?)

    – How long will it take me to get there by…?
    – I see. Where is the stop?
    – Thank you very much.
    – I think I’d better…


    – Sure. It’s quite a long way but you could take a bus or a trolley-bus.
    – That depends on the kind of transport. (Which one would you like to go by?)
    – Well, it’s up to you to decide.
    – Trolley-bus - about 15 min.
    – Oh, you know, it’s about 5 minutes from here; the second turning on the left.
    – Oh, wait. The bus stop is much nearer. You can see it over there; and it will take you 25 minutes to get to the centre.

    (If the student chooses the bus, remind her/him that it will take her/him a bit longer).

    The student is expected to demonstrate her\his ability to:
  • ask questions in order to get some factual information;
  • initiate and maintain the conversation;
  • make a decision.

    (4 – 5 min)
    You and your friend are thinking of where you could go for a summer holiday together.
    Discuss the following options and choose one you both like most of all.

           Seaside       Mountain resort
           Camping       Sightseeing tour

    You begin the conversation. Your examiner will do the part of your friend.
    Remember to:

  • be active and polite
  • come up with ideas
  • give reasons
  • agree or disagree with your friend
  • invite your friend to suggest ideas
  • find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account
  • come to an agreement

    Task 3 (4 – 5 minutes)
    You and your friend are discussing different possibilities for going away for a summer holiday. This is what you think about each of them:

    - +

    Mountain resort


    Sightseeing tour
    • There is not much to do except staying on the beach all the time.
    • Air tickets and accommodation could be expensive.
    • If we are to cook ourselves, it might take a lot of time.
    • I’m not strong enough, it might be tiring.
    • Not much to see; nowhere to go out.
    • They say driving in the mountains is dangerous, there might be car accidents.
    • It can be awful if the weather is cold, rainy.
    • It’s too quiet; very few people.
    • There might be snakes, some wild animals.
    • Millions of mosquitoes. We won’t be able to sleep at night.
    • We won’t have enough time to relax; it will take much time to do the sights.
    • We could make a mess out of the holiday rushing to see so many places.
    • It’s nice and warm there. Lots of fruit.
    • I enjoy going to the beach.
    • We could go to the cinema, discos, concerts.
    • We could rent a room in a private house.
    • We could have meals in cafes.
    • It’s fascinating to climb the mountains.
    • We could see some beautiful views; rare plants.
    • It is so exciting; I think it’s worth going there.
    • We could put up a tent.
    • Peaceful atmosphere; picturesque scenery; birds singing.
    • Wonderful walks in the woods for berries and mushrooms.
    • We could visit many world famous places.
    • We could do the sights, go to museums, learn a lot of exciting things.

    The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:
  • initiate and maintain conversation;
  • come up with suggestion;
  • give good reasons;
  • invite the partner to come up with suggestions;
  • find out her/his partner’s attitudes;
  • reach an agreement by taking into account the partner’s attitudes agree or disagree with her/his partner’s opinion.

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    School English #6, 2011




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