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    anglosphere /

    Газета School English #6, 2005

    Of Horses and Men

    Надежда Никифоровна Рогожина, проректор по международным программам, зав. кафедрой лингвистики и межъязыковой коммуникации Самарского муниципального университета Наяновой, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент.
    Директор негосударственного учреждения дополнительного образования “World Class-Samara”.
        Dear Reader,

        This time I am going to write about …horses. I was looking through my family album and my eyes dropped on a photo of me on horseback. Reminiscences came over me and I recollected my very first meeting with a horse. Though I was a city girl, I saw horses in the streets of my native Samara (Kuibyshev then), of course, but those were working horses for there was a mill nearby.

        The photo was taken at the pioneer camp where I used to work as a pioneer leader (part of our practice when studying at the university). We went for a walk with my pioneers and in the field we saw horses on a pasture. The shepherd allowed one of the pioneers, who said he knew how to do it, to ride a horse. He looked very impressive on horseback. And then he invited me to try. When he was leading my horse it was OK, but then I decided to ride myself! There were some instructions on what to do and off I started! Everything went smoothly at first, but some time later I found myself galloping to the bushes and through them! It was an unforgettable impression! Thank Goodness I managed to stop the horse!

        After that there were some other attempts to ride horses when I grew older and I always tried not to miss a chance. And now that there is a wonderful stable with 15 horses just in the yard of our university, I always look through the window at them when they are outside the stable. They are very beautiful animals! And they are so cute when they are playing in the snow! But now it is summer and I miss the picture for all the horse are on the other side of the Volga now, in their summer camp. I would like to give the floor to the people who spend all their free time with them, love them and look after them.


        by Tatiana Batalina

    Tatiana Batalina     Horses have lived with man from time immemorial1. A horse was domesticated2 back in the IVth century B.C. Since then a horse has become for man a comrade-in-arms3 and an irreplaceable helper in the field and for transport purposes.

        What is the situation at the present time, in the century of advanced technology, when man is fighting with tanks, ploughing4 with tractors, and travelling long distances by car or by bus, not to mention trains and planes?

        Despite all this it is impossible for man to forget horses. He builds stables5 for them, stud farms6 and racecourses7, so that the horse remains a part of his life. More and more people want to communicate with horses, learn to ride them and in the long run get their own horse.

        What is it that attracts man to horses, that makes him keep on singing their praises8 in poetry and legends? In my opinion it is not simply because of their external beauty, but most of all because of their spirit. A horse has energy, independence and pride. Horses appreciate freedom above all in life; it is not easy to win a horse’s trust. Perhaps it is because of this that man keeps on trying to tame horses and constantly searches for new ways to communicate with them. Talking about this topic, I can’t help but mention the system of Natural Horsemanship. This system is the future of human-horse relationships. It is based on a deep understanding of horses’ psychology and on attempts to communicate with them according to their own rules, in their own language.

        All a horse’s education is built on games and a complete lack of violence. Man doesn’t tame the horse, but learns to live with it. He analyses the horse’s behaviour from the point of view…of a horse. This calls for thinking before acting. Unfortunately in Russia this system is not as widely spread as in England, but judging by the interest which is being shown, once people find out about it the future looks bright.

        There are, however, some sad moments in man’s relationship with horses. The famous Greek doctor Hypocrates said: ‘A horse’s soul is reflected through its eyes.’ Very often man understands a horse’s physical needs, but forgets about its psyche9. ‘Cruel treatment of animals puts an end to any success and productive relations between man and animals. It doesn’t reflect heavily on the skin and muscles of an animal, which suffer from rough treatment and beatings; it is reflected first of all in its psyche and soul, which are destroyed.’ Gerhard Gervek wrote this in his book. Unfortunately man is to blame for the majority of horses’ problems but, however paradoxical it may seem, he has continued to love them for many centuries.

    by Kirill Pikalov

    Kirill Pikalov     I have been studying at Nayanova University in Samara since 2001.When I first appeared at the university I was very much impressed by the building and the back yard where there was … a stable and a manege10. I got interested in all that, it seemed kind of supernatural to see them in the centre of the city! And here I am as a member of the sport riding club SKAKUN (an acronym which means a fast horse).There was a special ceremony of entering the club according to the club traditions. The club attracts the people who love horses and would like to learn riding. I decided to take a riding course, a course of steeplechase11 and equestrian vaulting12. Alongside professional coaches the students of Nayanova University were involved in the instructing process.

        The club unites different people of different age groups: the age difference is 5-9 years. But this does not hinder13 communication and is not a barrier to co-understanding. The meetings of the club are arranged regularly. At the sittings we decide different vital problems and discuss the schedule of the forthcoming14 events.

        I would like to say some words about the events. There is a tradition of arranging some horse shows dedicated to significant days; the Day of University (in autumn), Maslenitsa (seeing off winter and welcoming spring), and Victory Day (May 9). On these days the students demonstrate their skills in riding, steeple chase and equestrian vaulting.

        Victory Day deserves a special mentioning. It is held on the other side of the river Volga, in the village of Novinki where all the horses (15!) are taken for the summer, to relax from the city noise. The show is usually arranged for war veterans living in the surroundings. You should have seen their happy faces! Summer camps have become regular. There are a lot of picturesque15 places and everyone enjoys them both students and horses!

    by Tatiana Makarova

    Tatiana Makarova     A longside with regular classes in horse riding we arrange classes of hippo-therapy16 for children suffering from cerebral palsy17. It may seem improbable but this works, contact with horses heals!

        Children in the presence of horses feel quiet and comfortable. Horses, like people, have temper and it is very important that they coincide. Calm people would prefer calm horses and vice versa18!

        I must admit that working with disabled children and watching their progress is rewarding! It is so nice to see them becoming more self confident. The students working with them also become more responsible, patient and tolerant19.

    1 immemorial – незапамятный
    2 domesticate – приручать животных, делать их домашними
    3 comrade-in-arms – товарищ по оружию
    4 plough – пахать
    5 stable – конюшня
    6 stud farm – конный завод
    7 racecourse – ипподром
    8 praise – восхваление
    9 psyche – душа
    10 manege – (фр.) манеж
    11 steeplechase – скачки с препятствиями
    12 equestrian vaulting – конная вольтижировка
    13 hinder – мешать, препятствовать
    14 forthcoming – предстоящий
    15 picturesque – живописный
    16 hippo-therapy – иппотерапия (лечение занятиями конным спортом)
    17 cerebral palsy – церебральный паралич
    18 vice versa – (лат.) наоборот
    19 tolerant – терпимый

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    School English #6, 2011




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