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    anglosphere / USA
    Political Correctness
    “All men are created equal.” This 18th-century statement was a reaction to royal rule. The rule of law was supposed to replace the rule of man. “Justice is blind”. Unfortunately, the law was discriminatory. It treated women, slaves, children, non-citizens, etc. differently. However, the strong individualism of the settlers reinforced egalitarianism. Discrimination in the law also diminished.

    A Wonderful Trip to New York City
    My daughter and I had agreed that we wanted to continue the tradition of exchanging gifts with each other at Christmas time, yet we had few material needs and thought it would fit the bill to give each other a weekend in the big city, seeing shows on Broadway and generally taking in the sights and sounds of the most visited city in the world and the home of more than 7 million people.

    Thanksgiving Day
    “I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen as the representative of our country: he is a Bird of bad moral character: like those among Men who live by Sharping and Robbing, he is generally poor and very often lousy. The Turkey is a much more respectable Bird and withal a true original Native of North America.”
    Benjamin Franklin

    If any genuine ladies and knights still survive somewhere in the world, they should definitely be found in Richmond. Its flavor of a big modern city still mingles with the remnants of the aristocratic past. There is something ineffable in the way Richmond people talk and conduct themselves. Their manners are truly refined, without being exaggerated or unnatural. It is not the usual American courtesy, which serves as a source for thousands of jokes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, it is something inherited from the glorious past. Now this tempestuous past, along with slavery and cotton plantations, is gone with the wind, but the finesse remains.

    Just do it!
    Norman Robinson and Irina Shipovskaya The plane is taking off and again I anticipate that keen feeling of something new, frightening and exciting. We are leaving Samara for Westtown, Pennsylvania. Everything is far behind-all those piles of documents and a day trip to Moscow to be interviewed at the US Embassy.

    Lincoln and its “High”
    Lincoln and its “High” If anybody ever told me that one day I would find myself in the United States far away from my home in Russia, I would probably laugh and not pay much attention.
    But it did happen. I spent three weeks in Lincoln city, Nebraska, together with a group of eight lucky students from my gymnasium, under the guidance of two teachers.

    Free Time in America
        Despite all the opportunities, people in the US spend most of their free time watching television. This includes the latest gadgets. For example, $5000 for plasma TV - the new status symbol. So Americans are "couch potatoes" (someone sitting on the couch during long periods) watching the "tube". There is as much money and research done in the US (and Japan) on the form of the television emissions, as the content. The content is, by and large, rubbish, but the form is a highly studied psychological tool.

    Health in America
    First, a point about language. In an older grammar book or dictionary, you may find the distinction: “people are healthy, food is healthful.” This distinction has been largely dropped in favor of “healthy” for both usages, and in the following, we shall follow this usage.

    Political Correctness in the USA
    “All men are created equal.” This 18th-century statement was a reaction to royal rule. The rule of law was supposed to replace the rule of man. “Justice is blind”. Unfortunately, the law was discriminatory. It treated women, slaves, children, non-citizens, etc. differently. However, the strong individualism of the settlers reinforced egalitarianism. Discrimination in the law also diminished.




    свежий номер
    School English #6, 2011




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