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    anglosphere /

    Газета School English #7, 2007

    Ten Commandments of How To Get Along With People

    Ann Landers, famous American columnist
    Dear Reader,

        This time I would like to share with you “Ten Commandments of How To Get Along With People”. They are practical pieces of advice written by Ann Landers. I do hope you will read them attentively and follow them in your everyday life. We all need a piece of advice sometimes, don’t we?

    Ten Commandments of How To Get Along With People

    Надежда Никифоровна Рогожина Надежда Никифоровна Рогожина, проректор по международным программам, зав. кафедрой лингвистики и межъязыковой коммуникации Самарского муниципального университета Наяновой, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент.
    Директор негосударственного учреждения дополнительного образования “World Class-Samara”.
    1. Keep skid chains1 on your tongue; always say less than you think. Cultivate a low, persuasive2 voice. How you say it counts more than what you say.
    2. Make promises sparingly3, and keep them faithfully, no matter what it costs.
    3. Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging word to or about somebody. Praise4 good work, regardless of who did it. If criticism is needed, criticize helpfully, never spitefully5.
    4. Be interested in others; their pursuits, their work, their homes and families. Make merry6 with those who rejoice; with those who weep, mourn7. Let everyone you meet, however humble, feel that you regard him as a person of importance.
    5. Be cheerful. Don’t burden8 or depress those around you by dwelling9 on your minor aches and pains and small disappointments. Remember, everyone is carrying some kind of a load.
    6. Keep an open mind. Discuss but don’t argue. It is a mark of a superior mind to be able to disagree without being disagreeable.
    7. Let your virtues10 speak for themselves. Refuse to talk of another’s vices11. Discourage gossip. It is a waste of valuable time and can be extremely destructive.
    8. Be careful of another’s feelings. Wit and humor at the other person’s expense are rarely worth it and may hurt when least expected.
    9. Pay no attention to ill-natured12 remarks about you. Remember, the person who carried the message may not be the most accurate reporter in the world. Simply live so that nobody will believe them. Disordered nerves and bad digestion are a common cause of backbiting13.
    10. Don’t be too anxious about the credit due you. Do your best, and be patient. Forget about yourself, and let others “remember.” Success is much sweeter that way.
    1 skid chain – цепь противоскольжения
    2 persuasive – убедительный
    3 sparingly – скупо
    4 to praise – хвалить
    5 spitefully – недоброжелательно
    6 to make merry – веселиться
    7 to mourn – горевать
    8 to burden – обременять
    9 to dwell – подробно останавливаться
    10 virtue – добродетель
    11 vice – порок
    12 ill-natured – злобный
    13 to backbite – злословить за спиной

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    School English #6, 2011




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