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  • Justin Timberlake
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  • EXAMPLE (“Changed The Way You Kiss Me”)
  • Tracy Chapman (“Fast Car”)
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  • Snoop Dogg (“Sweat”)
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    recreation /
    Milla Yovovich
    Milla Yovovich Having appeared on over 100 various magazine covers and in hit movies like The Fifth Element with Bruce Willis and Resident Evil, Milla Jovovich is now a successful superstar who flings herself everywhere from movies to fashion shows.
    She is what the entertainment industry would call versatile. Her extremely successful modeling career helped pave the way for her future projects in acting and in the music industry.

    Josh Hartnett
    Josh Hartnett One of the crop of obscenely attractive young stars to pop up during the late 1990s, Josh Hartnett has the kind of strong-jawed, puppy-eyed looks that make him equally suited for both movie stardom and Tommy Hilfiger ads.
    Born Joshua Daniel Hartnett in St. Paul, Minnesota, on July 21, 1978 as the oldest of four children, Josh Hartnett experienced a quiet and comfortable upbringing.

    Lena Headey
    Lena Headey The 33-year-old actress has more than 40 film and television credits to her name. It is her on-screen charm that has captivated numerous audiences and has allowed her to win role after role throughout her career. Having worked consistently from the age of 17, when she was cast, while still at school, to star opposite Jeremy Irons in the film Waterland, Lena says her successes has been a string of happy accidents. Lacking the fearsome ambition of such fellow Brits as Catherine Zeta-Jones or Kate Beckinsale, she has nonetheless played a string of leading roles over the years.

    Lucy Liu
    Lucy Liu Lucy Liu was never catapulted to stardom; she had to work her way up from the bottom. Since she had to deal with typecasting and degrading roles to get where she is today, the fact that she takes her career in stride with a genuine smile says a lot about her personality.
    Despite her enormous success on the television and the big screen, she doesn’t want to be regarded as an ambassador for Asian Americans in the entertainment industry.

    Jason Statham
    Jason Statham Broke into acting in such an unusual way, Jason Statham has really found his path in the film industry through his performance in action pictures and soared to be one of the most popular actors of the genre by the 21st century, thanks to his past professions which included that of a black market salesman.

    Avril Lavigne
    Avril Lavigne Canadian pop-rock singer and songwriter renowned as Avril Lavigne is actually born Avril Ramona Lavigne in Napanee, Ontario, Canada, on September 27, 1984, to Judy and John Lavigne, (both French-Canadians). During her childhood, Avril grew up singing country music and in a church choir and taught herself guitar since her 12-year-age. Later she explored her skill by joining many talent shows. There she broke out of her hometown Napanee, Ontario, when she was 16 years old. Early in her life, Avril had started to write her own songs, which she wrote every time she got home and were about what happened to her that day. Besides, she had also started skateboarding ever since she was 14 years old.

    Multi-Oscared Plasticine
    Nick Park Frankly speaking, I never liked plasticine movies. That's why when one day my friend Kate suggested watching something "very funny" of that kind I wasn't very enthusiastic. But to my greatest surprise, Wallace the naive, green-knitted-tank-top-wearing inventor-cheeselover and his best pal, the intelligent but silent dog, Gromit won my love almost at once. The movie was called A Grand Day Out [Пикник на Луне] and was the first to tell the audience about the adventures of the clay modelled characters Wallace and Gromit.

    Justin Timberlake
    Justin Timberlake A quick search of his name on the Internet reveals a site where you can "kill" Justin Timberlake, via an interactive cartoon and a background soundtrack of "Bye Bye Bye." When the player haters are that brutal, you know that your career has hit the stratosphere. And so it has for the former Mickey Mouse Club member and kid country singer from Memphis. They call Memphis the Music City for a reason and Justin Timberlake is solid proof of why. If Michael Jackson is the King of Pop, then Timberlake is the current undisputed Crown Prince.

    Stencil Art - искусство трафарета
    Stencil Art - искусство трафарета Проживающая много веков назад на территории Аппенинского полуострова наиболее продвинутая часть народонаселения, для собственного увеселения придумала народную забаву – делать всевозможные отверстия в том, где эти отверстия смотрятся наиболее красиво и эстетично. Грубо говоря, художественное ковыряние стеновых панелей и прилежащих (стоящих) покрытий было очень популярно еще в древнем Египте, и одними из прародителей можно по праву считать тутанхамоновских современников, преклоняющихся перед сфинксами, кошками, скарабеями и прочей свято почитаемой живностью.

    You Know My Name
    Sir Sean Connery I think that an eccentric journalist Ian Fleming, if still alive, would be much surprised to learn about the enormous popularity of his book character. Almost half of the century immortal James Bond has been saving the world. The secret service agent with the “simplest, dullest, plainest-sounding name” as Fleming once said, now is a prominent character in video games, comic strips and comic books and has been subjected to many parodies.

    Jessica Simpson
    Jessica Simpson In the late ‘90s, the music industry was keen on fabricating bubblegum pop stars to appeal to a teen audience. There was Britney, Christina, and the Spice Girls, which were a trend all their own. Coming from the Christian music scene, Jessica Simpson was catapulted into the midst of this battle.

    Curling. Бильярд на льду
    Curling. Бильярд на льду «Равновесие гимнаста, грация и элегантность балерины, сила спринтера, точность военного, гибкость пантеры и тактика шахматиста – все это за 30 секунд».

    Leonardo DiCaprio
    Leonardo DiCaprio The Nineties saw the rise of some big, big stars. At different points Brad Pitt, Nicolas Cage, Jim Carrey, Will Smith and Adam Sandler stormed the Hollywood firmament with a string of massive hits. But none of them enjoyed the kind of fame achieved by Leonardo DiCaprio.
    Beginning the decade as a promising newcomer, he ended it with “Titanic”, the biggest smash in cinema history, and a worldwide army of teenage fans so crazed and committed to their idol they had critics recalling the manic days of Beatlemania.

    «Конская голова»
    «Конская голова» «Когда большое болото, омывающее с севера городской вал у Мурфильда, замерзает, целые группы молодых людей идут туда заняться спортом на льду. Одни, шагая как можно шире, быстро скользят… Другие, более опытные в играх на льду, подвязывают к ногам берцовые кости некоторых животных и, держа в руках палки с острыми железными наконечниками, по временам отталкиваются ими об лед и несутся с такой быстротой, как птица в воздухе или копье, пущенное из баллисты». («Хроники знатного города Лондона» монаха Стефаниуса, 1174 год.)

    Christmas Adventures
    Macaulay Culkin as Kevin in Chris Columbus’ Home Alone (1990) Once a year all of us forget about our everyday problems and become children again waiting for the miracle to come. It can happen only at Christmas and you should be very careful not to miss it because even the most common event is likely to change your life completely. Let’s think of some likely Christmas situations and decide what you can do about them:

    Paraskevidekatriaphobia (2)
    One very common aspect of this superstition is the belief is that it is particularly unlucky for thirteen people sit down to dinner together. An ancient Viking story tells how twelve gods were invited to a banquet at Valhalla. Loki, the evil god of mischief, had been left off the guest list but crashed the party, bringing the total number of attendees to 13. True to character, Loki caused trouble by inciting Hod, the blind god of winter, to attack Balder the Good, who was a favourite of the gods, with a spear of mistletoe killing him instantly.

    Lost Have you ever dreamt of finding yourself on a deserted island with golden sand, deep blue sea, evergreen forests and exotic fruit? I think that everyone has imagined such a paradise at least once. And whom would take with you there? Your best friend? Your lovely puppy? Well, and what do you think of a company of a former detainee, a young mother-to-be, a couple from Korea (who don’t seem to understand your language at all), a rock musician addicted to heroin, an Iraqi executioner…?


    Paraskevidekatriaphobia – that’s a word you don’t see every day of the week – means the fear of Friday the 13th. Despite its fearsome scientific name, the superstition that this day is unlucky is surprisingly common, even in societies which consider themselves well-educated and modern. When I was wondering what to write about this month, I happened to notice that it was Friday the 13th of October, so I thought that might make an interesting subject.

    Punk 2
    Soo Catwoman На этот раз я, дорогие читатели, хочу связать воедино три очень мало совместимые на первый взгляд понятия: панк, деньги и любовь. Для начала кое-какие факты.
    Самая талантливая и многогранная группа, пережившая панк-революцию 1977 года, The Clash, выпустила альбом London Calling, состоящий из двух грампластинок.

    The New York Dolls (1973) Я с большой радостью продолжаю серию именно этой темой, так как с давних пор испытываю расположение к старушке панк-культуре, которой уже давным-давно пропиталась вся современная жизнь. И порой мне даже кажется, что и до нашей страны потихоньку добралась, правда в несколько усеченном виде.

    Comics Америка, как великая держава, обозначилась на мировой карте культуры только в XX веке. Но зато появилась по-американски – быстро и шумно. Телевидение, джаз, видеоарт, поп-музыка и рок-н-ролл – все это буйные дети Великой-Страны-За-Океаном. Даже кинематограф, изобретенный братьями Люмьер, расцвел пышным цветом под жарким солнцем Калифорнии на благодатной почве Голливуда.

    Parcours Человечество всегда стремилось к проявлению всяческих свобод, будь то свобода мысли или свобода передвижения. Кстати, и то и другое испокон веков частенько подвергается гонениям и репрессиям. Например, в 16 веке, когда знаменитый Леонардо да Винчи делал первые записи и чертежи искусственного крыла, в России в то же время казнили отважного холопа за попытку летать.

    Tapioca Crepes. A Brazilian Delicacy
    Tapioca Crepes In Brazil, tapioca can refer to several different products derived from the cassava plant. One of them is plain, rustic flat-bread. This type of bread looks more like a crepe and is often called a tapioca crepe. It is made of a fine starch known as pohilho doce or goma, which is produced from the fleshy rootstocks of the cassava plant.

    Parcours Какая связь между летающей тарелкой, модным увлечением и здоровым образом жизни? Никакой мистики, потусторонних сил и инопланетного вмешательства. Как говорится, ловкость рук и никакого мошенничества!
    Очередным наглядным доказательством гениальности, простоты и умения из мухи сделать конфетку служит легенда появления «фрисби». История эта кулинарно-поучительная.

    Hippies (3)
    Jimi Hendrix Излишне даже и говорить, что тема последней части краткого описания культуры хиппи многолика и спорна. Практически каждая субкультура прошлого столетия строилась не из пустоты. Всегда можно обнаружить те или иные культурные предпосылки. Литература, изобразительное искусство, кинематограф и музыка. Музыка в особенности. Но именно этот предмет вовлек меня в раздумья и своего рода нерешительность. Посудите сами: есть панк-рок – есть панки; есть готический рок – есть готы и т.д. А вот о хиппи-роке мне не доводилось слышать никогда.

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